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Reciprocating internal combustion engine: What are its types?
A reciprocating internal combustion engine is a type of combustion engine equipped with a piston, the task of which is to mediate the conversion of thermal energy generated by a chemical reaction into the mechanical work of the engine.
Two-stroke engine: What are its pros and cons?
A two-stroke engine, also referred to as a two-stroke cycle, is a piston combustion engine working in two strokes.
Engine lubrication system: How does engine lubrication work?
The lubrication system is an integral part of every piston combustion engine and is absolutely necessary for engine lubrication and, thus, smooth engine operation.
Four-stroke engine: How it works and what are its advantages
A four-stroke engine, or colloquially four-stroke, is a piston combustion engine working in four strokes. This means that the working cycle of the engine will take place during four strokes of the piston and two revolutions of the crankshaft.
Diesel Engine: How does it work, and what are its advantages?
A diesel engine is a piston combustion engine that often burns diesel fuel and converts thermal energy into mechanical work. Thermal energy is obtained in the engine by converting fuel into heat through combustion.
Petrol Engine: How does it work, and what are its advantages?
A petrol engine is a piston combustion engine that burns gasoline and converts thermal energy into mechanical work.