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  • Blue smoke from the exhaust

    Blue smoke from the exhaust: What problem does it indicate?

    Blue smoke from the exhaust means only one thing: engine oil enters the cylinder space. The more engine oil penetrates into the cylinders, the more the car smokes.

  • Engine piston

    Low oil pressure: What could be the cause of this problem?

    Low oil pressure is one of the problems that are not common, but very serious. There are only a few reasons that can cause low oil pressure.

  • A smoking car

    Runaway Diesel: What to do when you cannot turn off the engine?

    Runaway diesel, or diesel engine runaway, is a malfunction that prevents the diesel engine from turning off and leads to its self-destruction. Such a situation can scare many people because the engine roars and produces enormous smoke.

  • Oil filter

    Engine lubrication system: How does engine lubrication work?

    The lubrication system is an integral part of every piston combustion engine and is absolutely necessary for engine lubrication and, thus, smooth engine operation.

  • Motor oil

    Engine Oil: What happens if you run out of it?

    Engine oil can be considered one of the most important operating fluids in the engine. So what happens if your car runs out of engine oil?