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  • Check engine warning light on the dashboard

    Check Engine Light Flashing: What to Do and What to Watch Out For

    The check engine light is one of the most recognizable warnings on your car's dashboard. When it starts flashing, it's a signal you shouldn't ignore.

  • DPF kontrolka

    Orange Warning Lights in Your Car: Should You Keep Driving?

    Orange warning lights on your dashboard typically signal a problem with specific vehicle functions or indicate that service is needed, whether it's a fluid top-off or an issue with the particulate filter, among other things.

  • Check engine warning light on the dashboard

    The check engine light is on: Can I continue driving?

    An illuminated engine light can scare many drivers, especially if they have not encountered this warning light before. Since its color is orange, you have to be careful.

  • Dashboard warning lights

    Car Dashboard Symbols: What do they warn about?

    Car dashboard lights are nothing new, but as technology advanced, so did the variety of symbols on your car dashboard. Some of these symbols illuminate every time you start your vehicle, though no worries unless they stay on after you start the engine.