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  • Check engine warning light on the dashboard

    Check Engine Light Flashing: What to Do and What to Watch Out For

    The check engine light is one of the most recognizable warnings on your car's dashboard. When it starts flashing, it's a signal you shouldn't ignore.

  • Mustang engine

    Engine Placement: How Does It Affect Driving Characteristics?

    The placement of the engine refers to its position within the vehicle. The engine and its components make up a significant portion of the vehicle's weight. However, this weight is concentrated in a relatively small area, which greatly influences the car's center of gravity and overall driving dynamics.

  • Motor TSI

    1.0 TSI Engine: What Is It Really Like? Its Performance, Fuel Consumption, and Reliability

    In recent years, we've become accustomed to a trend where automakers are reducing engine displacement and the number of cylinders. This process, known as "downsizing," is marketed as a method to lower emissions and improve fuel efficiency.

  • Veko olejovej nádrže na 1.2 HTP

    1.2 HTP Engine: Loved and Hated

    The 1.2 HTP engine from Škoda is well-known among automotive enthusiasts. Its reputation, however, is quite polarizing—some drivers appreciate its compact design and fuel efficiency, while others criticize it for a range of technical issues, especially in its earlier iterations.

  • DPF kontrolka

    Orange Warning Lights in Your Car: Should You Keep Driving?

    Orange warning lights on your dashboard typically signal a problem with specific vehicle functions or indicate that service is needed, whether it's a fluid top-off or an issue with the particulate filter, among other things.

  • Cylinder head

    Cylinder head: Did you know what is its function?

    The cylinder head is one of the basic parts of an internal combustion engine. The cylinder head closes the cylinder block from above, which is attached with screws.